


Fukiko Aoki is a Japanese writer who lives in New York. She has written for major newspapers and magazines in Japan, and has published more than 17 books.

 Photo by Kenji Takigami

— 『アローン・アゲイン 最愛の夫、ピート・ハミルをなくして』 青木冨貴子著(新潮社)

新刊書(新潮社) メモワール「アローン・アゲインー最愛の夫ピート・ハミルをなくして」



— 阿川佐和子 氏



2001年、同時多発テロ発生の9月11日にはトレードセンターへ駆けつけ、崩壊するタワーを目撃。『目撃 アメリカ崩壊』(2001年文春新書)を発表後、テロや米国の諜報機関などについても調査を進めた後、生涯のテーマである米国の日本占領時代についてのプロジェクトに着手した。旧日本軍の細菌戦部隊「731部隊」が、戦後、いかに米軍と裏取引をして、研究資料を米国に渡したかを追求した『731ーー石井四郎と細菌戦部隊の闇を暴く』(2005年、新潮社刊・2008年、新潮文庫)、『昭和天皇とワシントンを結んだ男ーー「パケナム日記」が語る日本占領』(2011年、新潮社刊・2013年、『占領史追求:ニューズウイーク東京支局長パケナム記者の諜報日記』と改題、新潮文庫)を発表。2015年には、ほぼ10年の歳月をかけて調べたエリザベス・サンダース・ホームの沢田美喜とGHQの関係を探る『GHQと戦った女 沢田美喜』(2015年7月、新潮社刊)を上梓。


Fukiko Aoki is a journalist and writer based in New York. She has contributed numerous articles to major newspapers and magazines in Japan, and published 17 non-fiction works, reportages and essay collections. 1984 she moved to the US to head the New York bureau of Newsweek Japan. She worked for three years as an Bureau Chief and editor.

Her first book, Goodbye with a Leica: The Day Photographer Kyoichi Sawada Was Shot (Bungeishunju Publishing, 1981; new edition, Chikuma Bunko, 2013) was about the Pulitzer Price Japanese photographer who covered the Vietnam War, and was killed on the front lines in Cambodia. After publishing her second work, Searching for Amelia: The Revived Legend of a Female Aviator, Amelia Earhart (Bungeishunju, 1983; new edition, Bunshun Bunko, 1995), she wrote essays about everyday life in New York City for the monthly magazine Shokun in Japan. Among her reports serialized in the Weekly Bunshun column she wrote about the attack on Japanese students in Denver in 1993.

  On September 11, 2001, she witnessed the twin towers of the Trade Center as they collapsed and wrote, “Witness America's Collapse” (Bunshun Shinsho, 2001). This was followed by her investigation on terrorism and the US intelligence agencies.

  She then embarked on a project about the U.S. occupation of Japan, focused on how the former Japanese army's biological warfare "Unit 731" made backroom deals with the U.S. military after the war and gave them research materials. Her book Unit 731 revealed the diabolical mission of Shiro Ishii and his germ warfare unit (Shinchosha, 2005; and Shincho Bunko, 2008). This work was followed by: Occupation History Pursuit: Newsweek Tokyo Bureau Chief Pakenham's Intelligence Diary (Shincho Bunko, 2013). In 2015, she explored the relationship between GHQ and Miki Sawada who was a descended from Mitsubishi conglomerate and spent almost 10 years researching, The Woman who Fought against GHQ, Miki Sawada (Shinchosha, 2015).  Since the presidential election in November 2016, she has been serializing “Trump's America from New York” in Foresight.  

This spring she has published Alone Again :Pete and our Life about the time she shared with celebrated journalist and writer, Pete Hamill, with whom she was married for 33 years until his passing in 2020.

Fukiko Aoki - Biography